How to organize evernote tutorial paperless
How to organize evernote tutorial paperless

how to organize evernote tutorial paperless

The “any:” keyword at the front is what tells Evernote to look at any of these conditions. This search tells Evernote to find any notes created since today or updated since today. What about notes that I updated today, but that were created before? So I modified my saved search as follows: any: created:day updated:day This worked pretty well, but after a little while, I realized that I was seeing only note that I created today. Which tells Evernote to search for all notes with a create date equal to or greater than today. The search syntax looks as follows: created:day

how to organize evernote tutorial paperless

That is a simple enough search to create. When I started with my daily review, I created a saved search that looks for all notes created on the day I execute my search. Here is how I do it: Step 1: Create a “Daily Review” saved search (one-time only) I use a “daily review” to pay attention to the notes that I put into Evernote. That means that sometimes, things get into Evernote that I might not be aware of if I didn’t pay attention. More and more of these notes come from various automations, so that I am not putting them in myself, but other systems are putting them in for me. You spend a few minutes each day reviewing your day, updating your to-lists, and basically keeping tabs on what is going on in your life so that you can empty your head and still make sure everything is captured as it is supposed to be. That said, I can usually find something beneficial in everything, and the most significant thing I took from GTD was the concept of the “daily review.” The idea is pretty simple. For me, it is just too much overhead, and more importantly, it doesn’t work the way I do.

how to organize evernote tutorial paperless

I’ve read David Allen’s book multiple times, and I’ve tried his GTD methodology both before and after I used Evernote. It fits well for some, and not for others. This is entirely because of my own failings, and not any failings with the methodology of GTD.

how to organize evernote tutorial paperless

I have never jumped on board the GTD bandwagon.

How to organize evernote tutorial paperless